Name: Ivailo
What is your in-game name?: MrBushmills
Class, Level, & Gear: Top D 25 lv/Elven Knight --> just started before 2h
Location and Time Zone: Bulgaria Gmt+2
Age: 25
Can you speak, write, and understand English?: Yes i do
Lineage 2 History: Celes -> PinkPandas /Dex Arion SH/RPG x5 Solo/Rpg x15 with OOC /Roxy Solo nick's (AllNoobsDown) and alway's same should you remember me if i'am correct
Why should you recruit me? : well i'am very imba player and have alot expirence
How many hours do you play a week?: over 8h per day
Ventrilo/Teamspeak/Mumble: VT/TS
Do I know anyone?: Nope ^_^
P.S Hello Tempest Again